Friday, May 11, 2007

Our New Store

Flyw and I have a new store in SecondLife! It's in the new Book Island. We've moved in. There are lots of new things. Five Poetry posters to start. Today I bought a THiNC Book press and as soon as my chapbook is ready away we go! Meanwhile, we work on the Princess. Look, there's me in the store!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Our SL Book Fair Booth

The Book Fair is over and our lease is up. In fact the entire Book Publishing Village is moving to Book Island. I took a couple of pics of our booth before moving out.
This second one includes one of Flyw's pictures from his visit to the Cantal region of France. What a beautiful image, Flyw. Thanks for putting it up!

So what's next for The Lemon Princess? A RL book proposal. Working on it as we speak.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

New Trailer Ready!

Flyw has been working hard ever since the SL Book Fair to complete the trailer for The Lemon Princess. This is a little teaser to draw readers into the inner world of The Lemon Princess.

Here it is: